Our Story

We are 3 guys from the heart of Yorkshire brought together during the pandemic with one idea. Let's get out of the house and go down the pub "FREEDOM”.

With the apocalypse just round the corner we would decide over a few beers, to arm ourselves with the clothes we might need for the new world. So we created the zombie clothing company.

Locked in our houses we beavered away night and day from one idea the brand grew from one prototype to the next. Culminating the zombie claw logo brand and clothing line. If you want to survive the zombie apocalypse. you need to focus on blending in.”


Our no waste, made-to-order mindset makes saving the planet easy. You order it, we make it! We demand responsibility and sustainability in a world that wrongly says waste is okay.

All our designs are custom made by our in-house design team

Chris Russell - Founder

“The three founders of Zombie came together (socially distanced) to create an iconic brand that reflects a situation almost meeting the criteria of a full blown apocalypse... Hence our tagline 'If you want to survive the zombie apocalypse, you'll need to focus on blending in'....

Our head designer works with street art design, a genre that blasts back through Gen X's, Millennials and now into Gen Z's. Appealing to the rebels across 3 generations.”

- “Under the once in a lifetime situation of successive COVID lockdowns from 2020 onwards, Zombie was born in the guise of a suppressed population with many furloughed thumbs twiddling.